The Current

Advocacy News + Updates

Holly Burkhalter
February 6, 2012

We had the most awesome experience here at IJM headquarters last week.  On the morning before President Obama delivered his State of the Union address, IJM sent out an email to our friends and supporters around the U.S., inviting them to sign a letter to President Obama, urging him to exert real leadership to end modern day slavery at home and abroad.  

Within a few hours (before the President had even given his address that evening!), several thousand people had signed the letter. At the time of this writing, we have over 24,000 names and more come in every hour. 

Kate Case
February 5, 2012

On January 24, we asked you to let your name stand for freedom by petitioning President Obama to make ending slavery a priority. You may have already signed your name—so how can you help keep this momentum going? Here are a few quick tips for getting the word out about this action:

Email your friends!

If you missed the forward-to-a-friend feature after you signed the letter (or have more friends you want to send this opportunity to!), shoot them a quick email. You can use this sample message to get the word out:

Hello Friends,

Erica Boonstra
February 1, 2012

On January 17, the state legislature in New Jersey passed a crucial piece of legislation that will aid victims of human trafficking in New Jersey. This bill—called a “safe harbor” law—is an important step forward in the fight against slavery right here in our own country.

Safe harbor legislation protects minor victims of sex trafficking from being prosecuted for prostitution. This important legislation ensures that victims of trafficking are treated not as criminals, but as survivors of a crime. New Jersey is only the 10th state to pass this type of law.
