Join IJM and #enditmovement: share to help end slavery and support the #EndSlaveryAct!

Today is End It Movement's Shine A Light on Slavery Day. Earlier this week, IJM joined Senator Corker and Entd

Today, IJM joins the country in one of the largest awareness generating events to end slavery: the End It Movement's Shine a Light on Slavery Day. The End It Movement is a coalition of the leading organizations in the fight for freedom.

This year, advocates around the country are taking part in the End It Movement by asking their members of Congress to pass the End Modern Slavery Initiative. This bill will unite leaders across the globe to enact proven anti-slavery models on a worldwide scale—bringing freedom to millions of families who are currently living in slavery.

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Get social—before the Advocacy Summit!

by Kate Case / Topic: Social media, Twitter, resources September 9, 2015
A selfie at the 2014 Advocacy Summit Using Twitter to contact your members of Congress is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to send a message to your representatives. 

Social media can play a big role in advocacy. You can spread a message, organize, and contact people who may be out of reach otherwise. Twitter is an especially important platform for advocates, because nearly every member of Congress has a Twitter account. We want to make sure our advocates are well-resourced, so we've created this little guide on how to set up your Twitter account and get in on the conversation.

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