A framework for a successful lobby meeting

The 4 Cs of Advocacy provide a general framework and agenda for a meeting with your members of Congress.  To help you get familiar with the 4 Cs and to give you an idea of how you might use them, we've created these video tutorials.

The 4 Cs of Advocacy: Video tutorials



Intro | Example


Intro | Example


Intro | Example


Intro | Example



The Four Cs of Advocacy: Recap


The 4 Cs of Advocacy: A sample meeting agenda


Have each person participating in the meeting introduce themselves. This first introduction should include the organization you are with, where you live (especially if you live in the Member's district), a brief reason for your involvement in the issue and any other relationship building information that may be of interest to the Member.


Discuss the reason for your visit. Let them know that you are there to ask them to do something about human trafficking. Provide some context for the problem internationally and domestically and let them know why their support would make the difference.


Prior to the meeting, assign one person to ask the Member/staff person to make a specific commitment. This is the most important part of the meeting. You want to be clear and ask for something specific. ("Can I count on you to...?") Make sure the question is clear and direct. If you are unable to get a commitment during the meeting, work with the Member/staff person to develop a plan and timeline for when you will receive an answer.


Establish a clear plan with the staff member for follow-up and the timeline for when you will be in touch again. Offer to be a resource moving forward. Always thank the Member/staffer for taking the time to meet with you. Let them know how to stay in touch with you. Leave a packet with more information with the Member/staffer.

Follow Up to the Meeting

After each meeting, please take the time to email us and let us know how it went while the information is still clear in your mind. Report any of the Member's questions, comments and opinions, and be sure to include any specific follow-up that the Member/staffer requested.

Send a thank you letter and any requested or additional information.

>> Next step in preparing for your lobby meeting:


Accurate, brief and courteous: tips for a productive lobby meeting